In a recent post, wanting to use the word apprise (inform), I almost used appraise (evaluate) instead. Just one confusing letter’s difference between them.
In a similar vein, a friend wrote that he was awaiting news with baited breath. And noted what a strange expression that was. Intrigued, I investigated, only to find that said breath was in fact bated… which made immediate sense: abated—held in anticipation of the news to come.
Bated/Baited--a common enough mistake. And exploited delightfully in Cruel, Clever Cat, a 1930s poem by Geoffrey Taylor:
Sally, having swallowed cheese
Directs down holes the scented breeze
Enticing thus with baited breath
Nice mice to an untimely death.
I love that poem, not least because the baited / bated mistake pops up all the time. It's a bit of a pet peeve.
Posted by: David | 06/11/2011 at 11:19 AM