dogs and their minders walk here
with nothing left behind
I was born and raised in the UK, so why did I choose Japan as home? I couldn't have given a very convincing answer ("I feel comfortable here"?) until I watched another foreigner-in-Japan's recent YouTube video. It suggests that you feel comfortable living in a culture that shares your most important value(s), and noted that Japan’s are risk aversion, and not upsetting others. In other words, ensuring a safe (because predictable) environment for everyone to live in. I recognize that as what I value most as well. It’s not the same for everyone. My long-term foreign friends mostly have Japanese partners, but many feel a pull toward home for their children’s sake. They want an environment with fewer stultifying social constraints and expectations.
Visiting the UK many years ago, I walked a Yorkshire clifftop footpath and had to keep my eyes on the ground to avoid stepping in the dog shit everywhere. Dog shit everywhere became my shorthand for the UK (Japan being dog shit nowhere). The UK clearly has values more important than not upsetting others.