On a fine fall Sunday
An old couple plant cabbages
In a well-tilled field
And on a fine fall Sunday,
the allotments burst with weekend gardeners;
a grey-haired woman stops her bicycle, takes off her jacket and wipes her brow with her hand;
a portly farmer drives a backhoe erratically, with a grandson on his knee.
* * *
Today, chasing a newspaper reference to what Noel Coward said about popular music (it was “Strange how potent cheap music is.”), I found a page of his witticisms:
“Having to read footnotes resembles having to go downstairs to answer the door while in the midst of making love.”
“I love criticism just so long as it’s unqualified praise.”
(Entering a white tie and tails party wearing an ordinary suit, he announced) “Please, I don’t want anyone to apologize for overdressing.”
“Television is for appearing on, not looking at.”
I knew he was good, but I hadn’t realized he was a true heir of Oscar.
* * *
Last night, the Tigers won the first game of the Nippon Series. They haven’t won a Series since 1985. Which by amazing coincidence was when the Kansas City Royals (currently 2-2 against the San Francisco Giants) last won a World Series. Game 2 tonight.
(Oct 30 update: The Royals failed to win the World Series. And that night (Japan time) the Tigers also lost to the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks in the Japan Series. 1985 stands for both teams.)