In a well-argued and eloquent post Chris Clarke explains why he's not planning to vote for Obama in 2012. As part of that post he outlines his "bottom line" in determining who to vote for. He writes:
In order for me to vote for any candidate for office, that candidate:
- must neither openly nor tacitly support the use of torture in any circumstance.
- must pledge to defend women’s access to abortion against any threatened limitation, whether that obstruction be political, religious or economic.
- must pledge to oppose the enshrining in law of social discrimination against any group of people based on gender, ethnicity, sexuality, language, religious belief or lack thereof, disability, social class, or other arbitrary division.
- must agree that the rich – who have after all profited most from the country’s natural wealth, infrastructure and financial policy – ought to pay their fair share of taxes.
- must at least hold as an aspiration the provision of a tolerable standard of living to all people in the US, including shelter, food, clothing, education, health care and access to communication, regardless of the individual’s ability to pay.
- must support the continued existence of labor unions.
- must pledge not to punish individual migrants for the failures of the country’s immigration policy.
- must at least pledge to value the ecological integrity of the United States’ landscapes over the possibility that profit might be extracted from them.
- must possess at least a high-school level understanding of science, especially regarding but not limited to crucial topics such as climate change and evolutionary biology.
- must oppose any interference in the routine and proper teaching of science in our public schools by religious groups.
- must abide by the War Powers Resolution of 1973.
Makes sense to me, except for the, you know, not being able to vote for anyone thing.
In discussing this with several friends it becomes clear that for a lot of people the bottom line is simply that the candidate not be, a la Bachmann and Perry, nuts. If that criterion is met, a little torture, a little trashing of the environment, and so on, can be forgiven.
So, what's your bottom line?